I'm off to Charleston for the weekend....yay- celebrating Danielle's upcoming wedding!!!!
Soon I'll have more time to make real things to post up here..instead of drawings I make in paint :P
In other news, I am really bummed to not be able to audit a ceramics course this semester. I was going to have lots of weird clay objects for you to laugh at here on the blog, and now I won't. I also wanted to make the wedding people for on top of Brad & Jamie's wedding cake. boo.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
I'm making something I'll post soon, but it's a surprise for someone.
Today I visited the other farmer's market around here. 2 ears of corn, 1 small watermelon, 3 handfuls of okra, 3 apples, 11 small pears, 1 large tomato, 1 pint baby tomatoes, 1 onion, 3 bananas = $10. I win!
I love Asian green beans. MMm. I love them. I made them for lunch [recipe: here]. The green beans came from the local farmer's market. I also got a yellow watermelon (mmm) and some figs (double mmmm).